Upcoming events
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Fintech Ireland: Your #fintech home and independent voice in #Ireland: representing fintech and #regtech in Ireland and for Ireland abroad.
"FinTech Ireland are particularly active in the start-up scene, advancing Ireland’s unique ability and leveraging its capacity to become and remain a global centre for FinTech." Irish Government's IFS2020 Action Plan
When we use the word 'Ireland' we mean all of the Isle of Ireland. You may have landed here from partner sites for Northern Ireland domain www.fintechni.com and the UK www.fintechuk.com
"FinTech Ireland are particularly active in the start-up scene, advancing Ireland’s unique ability and leveraging its capacity to become and remain a global centre for FinTech." Irish Government's IFS2020 Action Plan
When we use the word 'Ireland' we mean all of the Isle of Ireland. You may have landed here from partner sites for Northern Ireland domain www.fintechni.com and the UK www.fintechuk.com
By the numbers - our reach (as at 19 December 2024):
* website visit stats margin of error = +/- 3%
- 333,170+* = Web Visitors (FintechIreland.com) (12 months to 19 December 2024)
- 5,710+ = Twitter Followers (@FintechIreland)
- 7,020+ = LinkedIn Fintech Ireland Company Page Followers (Click here to follow)
- 3,585+ = LinkedIn Fintech Ireland Group Page Members (Click here to join them)
- 2,850+ = Fintech enthusiasts subscribers to the Fintech Ireland email list for news, events & info. (Click here to join them)
- 15,000+ = Peter Oakes (Fintech Ireland, Founder) Linkedin Followers
- 110+ = Speaking / Presentation Engagements
- 11,000+ = Audience Peter Oakes has spoken before representing Fintech Ireland
* website visit stats margin of error = +/- 3%
Meet Project Foundry - Sponsor of the Fintech Ireland Map

At Fintech Ireland (www.fintechireland.com and www.fintechireland.ie): we lead the promotion, support & facilitation of the #Irishfintech scene. Fintech Ireland was founded by Peter Oakes (13,740+ followers on Linkedin) to help make Ireland a global hub for fintech. I believe in meaningful Linkedin connections and only accept requests where I know the person or where a message is included in the connection request explaining the purpose. This benefit the power of the network for the benefit of Fintech Ireland.
Fintech Ireland doesn't consult or provide any such paid type services. Our Founder, Ambassadors and Fintech Ireland Advisory Council Members may provide such services via there own businesses. Fintech Ireland does not receive any recurring revenue and therefore make no profit. Costs associated with our activities are paid by the Founder or Ambassadors, unless a sponsor or other pays for the cost of a venue, zoom webinar or refreshments etc.
Fintech Ireland doesn't consult or provide any such paid type services. Our Founder, Ambassadors and Fintech Ireland Advisory Council Members may provide such services via there own businesses. Fintech Ireland does not receive any recurring revenue and therefore make no profit. Costs associated with our activities are paid by the Founder or Ambassadors, unless a sponsor or other pays for the cost of a venue, zoom webinar or refreshments etc.
Our objective at Fintech Ireland is to advance Ireland's unique ability, and leverage its capacity, to become and remain a global centre for fintech. We are driving a lot of interest in the Fintech Ireland scene.
Fintech Ireland Maps - see the Fintech Ireland Map page for all of our Maps which tracked the Irish fintech ecosystem.
Fintech Ireland Mailing List - subscribe to receive our emails (we use email sparingly) at our Get Involved page
Social Media -
We receive many queries from #startups, #entrepreneurs, #government and #investors looking to get involved in the fintech scene in Ireland from setting up in Ireland, getting a regulatory licence and finance. We are happy to assist where we can. Our email is hello@fintechireland.com.
Want to get involved? Then go to Get Involved.
Fintech Ireland Maps - see the Fintech Ireland Map page for all of our Maps which tracked the Irish fintech ecosystem.
Fintech Ireland Mailing List - subscribe to receive our emails (we use email sparingly) at our Get Involved page
Social Media -
- LinkedIN Company Page - Fintech Ireland: Follow us on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/company/fintech-ireland/
- LinkedIN Group - Fintech Ireland: After you have connected with Peter Oakes on LinkedIN (at www.linkedin.com/in/peteroakes), feel free to request membership of our Fintech Ireland LinkedIN Group www.linkedin.com/groups/8321352.
- Twitter: Follow us at @FintechIreland, @oakeslaw. Please spread the word on twitter using hashtag #fintechireland.
We receive many queries from #startups, #entrepreneurs, #government and #investors looking to get involved in the fintech scene in Ireland from setting up in Ireland, getting a regulatory licence and finance. We are happy to assist where we can. Our email is hello@fintechireland.com.
Want to get involved? Then go to Get Involved.
Upcoming Events: - see our Events Page
Past Events: See all Past Events listed under 'Past Events' on our Events Page