** Our most recent Newsletter is here: https://mailchi.mp/a514139cc5f3/fintech-ireland-newsletter-april-2021-0401 ** Subscribe to it for detail of events and priority notifications here
What: Roundtable: So, you want to be a Virtual Asset Service Provider? Covers being cypto exchange, custodian wallet provider, offer or sell VAs. Join leading regulatory and VASP experts Peter Oakes, Founder of Fintech Ireland and CompliReg, Stephen Fletcher, Consultant at CompliReg, Samantha Sheen, Director Ex Ante Advisory Limited and Podcaster, Captivated Audience (former Stripe MLRO and Financial Crime Compliance Officer for EMEA) and several other subject matter experts for this event, including Mai Santamaria from the Department of Finance who will ‘pop-in’ for a short discussion about the proposed MiCA Regulation – an important regulation impacting VASPs.
* MiCA Regulation is the Proposal for the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation 2020/0265 (COD)
In-depth discussion on not only the regulation of, but the opportunities and challenges for, Ireland's virtual asset industry.
FinTech Ireland is partnering with CompliReg, Ex Ante Advisory and other subject matter experts to deliver a webinar on the new registration and AML requirements for Virtual Asset Service Providers which took effect in Ireland on Friday 23rd April. And of course, this is against the backdrop of the new Proposal for a Regulation for an EU Market in Crypto Asset (MiCA) Regulation. CompliReg is currently working on several VASP applications.
Several firms may be able to avail of the 3-month transition period for VASP registration. While they have a head start on other firms that must register before servicing clients, what obligations do transitioning firms have right now? What is the registration process and what are the regulatory, legal and compliance obligations for VASPs. Mai Santamaria from the Department of Finance will ‘pop-in’ for a short discussion about the MiCA Regulation – an important regulation impacting VASPs.
When: Thursday 6th May 2021. 15:00 Irish/UK time (10:00 am US Eastern Time).
Where: Online Event
Cost: Free
Registration: Register via the button on Eventbrite page. SEE "IMPORTANT NOTICE" BELOW ABOUT PRE-REQUISITES FOR YOUR REQUEST TO JOIN EVENT. (https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/roundtable-so-you-want-to-be-a-virtual-asset-service-provider-tickets-152471320825?aff=FINWebsite)
Going forward to receive priority notice of our events, join our mailing list - Subscribe Here.
Regulator Information - Did You Know? Source - Central Bank of Ireland
- The European Union’s Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive ('5AMLD') extended Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism ('AML/CFT') obligations to entities that provide certain services relating to virtual assets.
- Ireland transposed 5AMLD into Irish law by way of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Act 2021 (‘2021 Act’) and the provisions of the 2021 Act that relate to VASPs commenced on 23 April 2021.
- The 2021 Act extends the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts 2010 to 2021 (‘CJA 2010 to 2021’) to VASPs. For the purposes of the legislation, VASPs are firms that provide any of the following services relating to virtual assets:
- exchange between virtual assets and fiat currencies;
- exchange between one or more forms of virtual assets;
- transfer of virtual assets, that is to say, to conduct a transaction on behalf of another person that moves a virtual asset from one virtual asset address or account to another;
- custodian wallet provider; and
- participation in, and provision of, financial services related to an issuer’s offer or sale of a virtual asset or both.
Important Notice: THIS EVENT IS FOR VASPS AND NEW BUSINESSES THAT WISH TO BECOME A VASP. You must request must come from an organisation email address. NB: requests from email domain such as gmail, yahoo, edu, ymail, hotmail, outlook etc may not be accepted for attendance. If this impacts you, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss and we will see what we can do. We reserve the right not to process any request not from a VASP/CASP or VASP/CASP start-up.
Did you miss our previous events and want the material?: Material from all our past events is located at https://fintechireland.com/events.html
*Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information will need be required by Fintech Ireland and CompliReg for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event.
Your details will also be recorded for contact about future FintechIreland.com, FintechUK.com, USTechFin.com, FintechNI.com and CompliReg.com events and news. And as we use MailChimp, there will be an unsubscribe link in each email we send.
Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel the event, requests to attend and bookings at any time for any reason.
There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected]
All Fintech Ireland events fill quickly, so reserve your seat today!
Consultations: Fintech Ireland has uploaded information on its Consultations page which will be of interest to Central Bank of Ireland regulated fintech and financial services firm. See https://fintechireland.com/consultations.html.
Authorisations: Anyone looking at getting their fintech (payments firm and e-money firm) authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland can download Fintech Ireland's and CompliReg’s free handy authorisation guides and watch the video replay of our recent Getting Authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland Webinar at https://complireg.com/authorisations.html
Easier Access to Slides and Material from previous events: We have recently uploaded a new look and feel for our Fintech Ireland Events page that allows you to search for past events and materials, such as slides and videos.