What: Building innovative ecosystems, fostering fintech partnerships and promoting SME growth
When: Thursday 20th May 2021 at 16:15 (UK time).
Where: Online Event
Cost: Virtual Event Pass is FREE
Registration: Click Here
fintech IRELAND |
Fintech Ireland is speaking at Seamless Europe (Virtual) being held Wednesday 19th to Thursday 20th May 2021. Claim your free virtual event pass - Click Here What: Building innovative ecosystems, fostering fintech partnerships and promoting SME growth When: Thursday 20th May 2021 at 16:15 (UK time). Where: Online Event Cost: Virtual Event Pass is FREE Registration: Click Here Join Peter Oakes, Founder, FinTech Ireland; Jean-Louis Van Howe, Chairman, Fintech Belgium; Simon Schou, Chief Innovation Officer, Copenhagen Fintech; and Ritesh Jain. Co-Founder Infynit on Building Innovative Ecosystems, Fostering Fintech Partnerships and Promoting SME Growth, Thursday 20th May 2021 at 16:15. Claim your free virtual event pass - Click Here
Future Exchange Landscape in 2021 - FOW's The European Derivatives Conference (19th May 2021)19/5/2021 What: The Future Exchange Landscape in 2021 - FOW's The European Derivatives Conference
When: Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 10:30 (UK time). The FOW European Derivatives Conference runs 19th-20th May 2021. Where: Online Event Cost: See Registration below for details of paid and complimentary places Registration: Click Here Moderator: Peter Oakes, Founder, Fintech Ireland Speakers:
This informative Panel of Experts will discuss the following:
What: ACAMS Europe May 2021 - Crypto Assets: Following the Virtual Money When: Thursday 18th May 2021 at 14:40 (Belgium time) / 15:40 UK time). ACAMS Europe runs from 18th - 20th May 2021. Where: Online Event Cost: See Registration below Registration: Click Here Founder of Fintech Ireland and Fintech UK, Peter Oakes, will moderate a panel of anti-financial crime experts on crypto assets, including Danielle Jukes, FINTRAIL; Fabian K. Fuchs, BA, CAMS, Bitpanda and Stephane Leloup, Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Follow the money with case studies from crypto-organisations detailing how digital transactions are traced and financial crime prevented. Panelists will:
Each year I wonder whether interest in and development of #cryptoassets will begin to wane, and each year it simply ratchets up further and further. That's why I am looking forward to moderating and learning from these brilliant subject matter experts - Danielle Jukes, FINTRAIL; Fabian K. Fuchs, BA, CAMS, Bitpanda and Stephane Leloup, Luxembourg Stock Exchange on CRYPTO ASSETS: Follow the Money Trail.
Download the Agenda and sign up HERE Big thanks to Team ACAMS Shilpa Arora, Hannah Skiba, Agustina Obama, Kieran Beer, Angela Burdett Salter, Sandy Espinosa and all for ensuring that your top quality events and content remain relevant, highly informative, timely and ongoing against a backdrop of innovative disruption in financial services and the business disruption (and personal impact) of a global pandemic. The fight against financial crime continues. Linkedin Post - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6791510546710691840/ Roundtable: So, you want to be a Virtual Asset Service Provider? Regulation, Supervision and Money Laundering (and MiCA). Thursday 6th May 2021 at 15:00 Irish / UK time (10:00 US ET). This is our 6th free webinar in our current series of Fintech Ireland webinars! We look forward to welcoming you.
** Our most recent Newsletter is here: https://mailchi.mp/a514139cc5f3/fintech-ireland-newsletter-april-2021-0401 ** Subscribe to it for detail of events and priority notifications here What: Roundtable: So, you want to be a Virtual Asset Service Provider? Covers being cypto exchange, custodian wallet provider, offer or sell VAs. Join leading regulatory and VASP experts Peter Oakes, Founder of Fintech Ireland and CompliReg, Stephen Fletcher, Consultant at CompliReg, Samantha Sheen, Director Ex Ante Advisory Limited and Podcaster, Captivated Audience (former Stripe MLRO and Financial Crime Compliance Officer for EMEA) and several other subject matter experts for this event, including Mai Santamaria from the Department of Finance who will ‘pop-in’ for a short discussion about the proposed MiCA Regulation – an important regulation impacting VASPs. * MiCA Regulation is the Proposal for the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation 2020/0265 (COD) In-depth discussion on not only the regulation of, but the opportunities and challenges for, Ireland's virtual asset industry. FinTech Ireland is partnering with CompliReg, Ex Ante Advisory and other subject matter experts to deliver a webinar on the new registration and AML requirements for Virtual Asset Service Providers which took effect in Ireland on Friday 23rd April. And of course, this is against the backdrop of the new Proposal for a Regulation for an EU Market in Crypto Asset (MiCA) Regulation. CompliReg is currently working on several VASP applications. Several firms may be able to avail of the 3-month transition period for VASP registration. While they have a head start on other firms that must register before servicing clients, what obligations do transitioning firms have right now? What is the registration process and what are the regulatory, legal and compliance obligations for VASPs. Mai Santamaria from the Department of Finance will ‘pop-in’ for a short discussion about the MiCA Regulation – an important regulation impacting VASPs. When: Thursday 6th May 2021. 15:00 Irish/UK time (10:00 am US Eastern Time). Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: Register via the button on Eventbrite page. SEE "IMPORTANT NOTICE" BELOW ABOUT PRE-REQUISITES FOR YOUR REQUEST TO JOIN EVENT. (https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/roundtable-so-you-want-to-be-a-virtual-asset-service-provider-tickets-152471320825?aff=FINWebsite) Going forward to receive priority notice of our events, join our mailing list - Subscribe Here. Regulator Information - Did You Know? Source - Central Bank of Ireland
Important Notice: THIS EVENT IS FOR VASPS AND NEW BUSINESSES THAT WISH TO BECOME A VASP. You must request must come from an organisation email address. NB: requests from email domain such as gmail, yahoo, edu, ymail, hotmail, outlook etc may not be accepted for attendance. If this impacts you, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss and we will see what we can do. We reserve the right not to process any request not from a VASP/CASP or VASP/CASP start-up. Did you miss our previous events and want the material?: Material from all our past events is located at https://fintechireland.com/events.html *Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information will need be required by Fintech Ireland and CompliReg for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event. Your details will also be recorded for contact about future FintechIreland.com, FintechUK.com, USTechFin.com, FintechNI.com and CompliReg.com events and news. And as we use MailChimp, there will be an unsubscribe link in each email we send. Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel the event, requests to attend and bookings at any time for any reason. There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected] All Fintech Ireland events fill quickly, so reserve your seat today! Consultations: Fintech Ireland has uploaded information on its Consultations page which will be of interest to Central Bank of Ireland regulated fintech and financial services firm. See https://fintechireland.com/consultations.html. Authorisations: Anyone looking at getting their fintech (payments firm and e-money firm) authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland can download Fintech Ireland's and CompliReg’s free handy authorisation guides and watch the video replay of our recent Getting Authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland Webinar at https://complireg.com/authorisations.html Easier Access to Slides and Material from previous events: We have recently uploaded a new look and feel for our Fintech Ireland Events page that allows you to search for past events and materials, such as slides and videos. Slides and Material -
Check out SME Recovery, a project initiated by GRID Finance, representing Ireland’s small and medium business sector to ensure that the policy response to Covid-19 is designed to succeed for SMEs Roundtable: Project Crowdfunding – A new Regulated Industry for Ireland and Europe. Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 133:00 Irish / UK time (08:00 US ET)
We are pulling together a group for crowfunding platforms / crowdsourcing finance platforms - if you are one of these companies, whether equity, debt, donation or reward platform, and whether fiat, crypto or token based, get in contact with us at [email protected] for a wider discussion. What: Roundtable: Project Crowdfunding – A new Regulated Industry for Ireland and Europe. Join leading crowdfunding experts Derek F Butler, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, GRID Finance; Chris Burge, Co-Founder & CEO, Spark Crowdfunding; Colin Canny, Head of Originations, Flender and regulatory and fintech expert Peter Oakes, Founder Fintech Ireland and CompliReg. In-depth discussion on the opportunities and challenges for Ireland's crowdfunding community, stakeholders and in particular the end-users (investors and Irish companies) arising from:
Following a series of short presentations and panels by industry experts, we will hold a roundtable to discuss the development of a group response to the issued on Tuesday 13th April. This event is aimed at pulling together interested crowdfunding solution providers and other important industry stakeholders to, among other things, comment on the Central Bank of Ireland Consultation Paper on Crowdfunding in Ireland. You can find the EU Regulation here. Join Fintech Ireland, CompliReg and industry experts who will discuss this topic and then you will join the roundtable to discuss the response to the Central Bank of Ireland. When: Tuesday 27th April 2021. 13:00 Irish/UK time (08:00 am US Eastern Time). Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/roundtable-project-crowdfunding-a-new-regulated-industry-for-the-eu-tickets-150221124427?aff=FIWebsite Reading: (1) Central Bank Consultation Paper 141 and (2) Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 October 2020 on European crowdfunding service providers for business. Going forward to receive priority notice of our events, join our mailing list - Subscribe Here. *Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information will need be required by Fintech Ireland and CompliReg for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event. Your details will also be recorded for contact about future Fintech Ireland, Fintech UK, USTechFin and CompliReg events and news. And as all use MailChimp, there will be an unsubscribe link in each email we send. Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel bookings. There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected] Consultations: Fintech Ireland has uploaded information on its Consultations page which will be of interest to Central Bank of Ireland regulated fintech and financial services firm. See https://fintechireland.com/consultations.html. Authorisations: Anyone looking at getting their fintech (payments firm and e-money firm) authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland can download Fintech Ireland's and CompliReg’s free handy authorisation guides and watch the video replay of our recent Getting Authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland Webinar at https://complireg.com/authorisations.html Slides - Click Here
Video - Click Here The registration platform for this event is now open to attend this joint event between Fintech Ireland, Choose New Jersey and New Jersey City University School of Business together with Tech United (New Jersey), Global Shares, Fenergo, Broadridge and SelectUSA (supported by Armstrong Teasdale). Join FinTech Ireland, Choose New Jersey and the New Jersey City University (NJCU) School of Business together with Tech United, Global Shares, Fenergo, Broadridge and SelectUSA (supported by Armstrong Teasdale) for a webinar on fintech trends and opportunities within Ireland and the U.S. State of New Jersey. Hear from New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, business leaders and panel experts about economic synergies between New Jersey and Ireland and gain insight about the New Jersey’s innovation ecosystem and talent pool. Discover how New Jersey can provide Irish companies with the support, funding, and resources needed for successful investment in North America. What: Fintech Bridge - Ireland and New Jersey When: Wednesday 14th April 2021. 15:00-1630 Irish/UK time (10:00-1130 US Eastern Time). Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: https://choosenj.zoom.us/webinar/register/1016173035244/WN_6KYZivL_RRm7oh8_Qs_g1w Getting Authorised and being Supervised by the Central Bank of Ireland (Thurs 8th April 2021)8/4/2021 Here's the slides
Getting Authorised and being Supervised by the Central Bank of Ireland:
Thursday 8th April 2021 at 15:00 Irish / UK time (10:00 US ET) What: Fintech Ireland is hosting CompliReg, a leader provider of regulatory authorisation services and joint authors of our Authorisation Guides for Emoney and Payment Institutions, for a dive into the authorisation process and ongoing supervision for payment institutions, emoney and Virtual Asset Service Providers. Join Peter Oakes (Founder, CompliReg, Fintech Ireland & Fintech UK) and Stephen Fletcher (Consultant, CompliReg) as they discuss the Central Bank of Ireland authorisation and supervisory regime for payment institutions, emoney institutions and virtual asset service providers as well as an update on trends in the Irish fintech industry. We have arranged for several subject matter experts to join the call and share insights too. Including:
When: Thursday 8th April 2021. 15:00 Irish/UK time (10:00 am US Eastern Time). Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/getting-authorised-payments-institutions-e-money-institutions-vasps-tickets-148070130747?aff=FIWebsite Going forward to receive priority notice of our events, join our mailing list - Subscribe Here. *Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information will need be required by Fintech Ireland and CompliReg for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event. Your details will also be recorded for contact about future Fintech Ireland, Fintech UK, USTechFin and CompliReg events and news. And as all use MailChimp, there will be an unsubscribe link in each email we send. Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel bookings. There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected] Check out Fintech Ireland's and CompliReg’s handy authorisation guides for e-money institutions and payment institutions at https://fintechireland.com/fintech-authorisations.html All Fintech Ireland hosted events fill quickly, so reserve your seat today! Update: Thanks to the 280+ registered attendees for your interest in this event. We really enjoyed hosting Dr. Michelle O’Donnell Keating (Senior Policy Specialist) and Steuart Alexander (Innovation and Sustainable Finance) of the Central Bank of Ireland on Thursday 25th March 2021. Slides: We have emailed the link to Fintech Ireland's slides in pdf format to all those who registered to attend and to those on our Fintech Ireland Subscriber email list. If you want the Fintech Ireland slides in pdf document, join the Fintech Ireland email list and we will send you the link. Otherwise flip through the above slideshow. If you want a copy of the Central Bank of Ireland slides, you will need to contact the Innovation Hub at [email protected] to request a copy. Fintech Ireland is delighted to announce that we are hosting, for the benefit of the local and international fintech community, the Central Bank of Ireland’s Innovation Hub on Thursday 25th March at 10:00am
Join Dr. Michelle O’Donnell Keating (Senior Policy Specialist) and Steuart Alexander (Innovation and Sustainable Finance) for a 2020 Update and learn about high-level trends from the Central Bank’s engagement with fintech & industry in 2020. What: Fintech Ireland is delighted to announce that we are hosting, for the benefit of the local and international fintech community, the Central Bank of Ireland’s Innovation Hub. Join Dr. Michelle O’Donnell Keating (Senior Policy Specialist) and Steuart Alexander (Innovation and Sustainable Finance) of the Central Bank of Ireland's Innovation Hub for a 2020 Update and to learn about high-level trends from the Central Bank’s engagement with fintech & industry in 2020. Peter Oakes, Founder of Fintech Ireland will host the event. When: Thursday 25th March 2021. 10:00am to 11:00am (Irish/UK time) . Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: Register via the button on this Eventbrite page. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/central-bank-of-ireland-innovation-hub-update-2020-tickets-146880115379?aff=FIWebsite Going forward to receive priority notice of our events, join our mailing list - Subscribe Here. *Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information will need be required by Fintech Ireland for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event. Your details will also be recorded for contact about future Fintech Ireland, Fintech UK, USTechFin and CompliReg events and news. And as all use MailChimp, there will be an unsubscribe link in each email we send. Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel bookings. There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected] Check out Fintech Ireland's and CompliReg’s handy authorisation guides for e-money institutions and payment institutions at https://fintechireland.com/fintech-authorisations.html All Fintech Ireland events fill quickly, so reserve your seat today! Thanks to fintech experts CompliReg for sponsoring and supporting the Maps, along with our fintech networks FintechUK, USTechFin, Fintech Northern Ireland / Fintech NI and brexit tracker Brexit Ireland. If you would like to partner with us on this premier event, please contact us at [email protected] and use ‘Partner Email’ in the subject header. Videos: Watch the Webinar on-demand on YouTube
We maxed out capacity for this event. To ensure you don't miss out on future events subscribe to https://fintechireland.com/get-involved.html and follow us on twitter - https://twitter.com/FinTechIreland Videos: Watch the Webinar on-demand on YouTube Slides: We emailed all registered attendees and those on the waitlist with the link to the slides. If you were not a registered attendee or on the waitlist and you want the slides you need to: (1) Join our email service - https://fintechireland.com/get-involved.html (2) If you don't receive the link to the slides in the welcome message, email us at [email protected] after you have subscribed (we''ll check) and ensure you receive the link. (3) Flip through the slideshow above. The Fintech Ireland Webinar Series
The 2021 Fintech Ireland Maps Release Monday 15th March 2021 - 1pm to 2.30pm (Irish / UK time) Join our hosts, moderators, speakers and panel members from Starling Bank, EquiLend, TransferMate Global Payments, UBO Service, the Department of Finance, Remitly, IDA Ireland and Fintech Ireland. What: Fintech Ireland is launching the 2021 Fintech Ireland Map at its first in a series of webinars. Led by Peter Oakes and Peter O’Halloran, we will be joined by a host of excellent panel members covering both Irish’s incredible indigenous and rapidly scaling fintech and international fintechs which call Ireland home. Along-side the famous Fintech Ireland Map of Irish fintech, we’ll be releasing an international map showcasing premier international fintech which have established in Ireland from the four corners of the globe! We will announce further details in the coming week. Register at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/release-of-2021-fintech-ireland-maps-indigenous-international-maps-tickets-141804114925?aff=FIWebsite How to join the Maps - BEFORE 6PM MONDAY 8TH MARCH 2021: (1) indigenous Irish fintech wishing to join the indigenous Fintech Ireland Map; and (2) international fintechs wishing to join the inaugural Fintech Ireland International Map, MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY https://fintechireland.com/fintech-survey.html. If you miss the cut-off date, recommend that you still do the Survey so as to be included on a later edition of the Map. If you are on the Map and your logo has changed since the last Map update, you need to email the logo to [email protected] in PNG or JPEG format (no pdfs!) BEFORE 6PM MONDAY 8TH MARCH 2021 otherwise your old logo will remain on the Map. We politely ask that everyone on the Map who has not completed the survey to do so. When: Monday 15th March 2021. Start time 1:00pm to 2.30pm (Irish/UK time). Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: CLOSED https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/release-of-2021-fintech-ireland-maps-indigenous-international-maps-tickets-141804114925?aff=FIWebsite. The link to the Zoom webinar was sent to attendees using the Eventbrite system through which attendees registered. We sent the link twice once on 12th March and again the morning of 15th March. Slides: We emailed all registered attendees and those on the waitlist with the link to the slides. If you were not a registered attendee or on the waitlist and you want the slides you need to : (1) Join our email service - https://fintechireland.com/get-involved.html (2) If you don't receive the link to the slides in the welcome message, email us at [email protected] after you have subscribed (we''ll check) and ensure you receive the link. (3) Flip through the slideshow above. Going forward to receive priority notice of our events, join our mailing list - Subscribe Here. In addition to launching both the updated Irish Fintech Map, which will see the number of fintechs on the Map grow from last year’s 230 and the new International Fintech Ireland Map, we will be joined by expert fintech guests to discuss the burgeoning fintech landscape in Ireland and will get their thoughts on the changes to Irish fintech in the past 12 months; how they see Irish fintechs scaling internationally; being funded; and how they are dealing with current challenges arising from rapid digital transformation, changing consumer expectations and Covid. Your hosts and moderators, Peter Oakes and Peter O’Halloran, are delighted to be joined by the following expert government and fintech speakers and panel members:
The event will cover:
We will release further details on this premier annual event shortly. *Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information will need be required by Fintech Ireland for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event. Your details will also be recorded for contact about future Fintech Ireland, Fintech UK, USTechFin and CompliReg events and news. And as all use MailChimp, there will be an unsubscribe link in each email we send. Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel bookings. There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected] Check out Fintech Ireland's and CompliReg’s handy authorisation guides for e-money institutions and payment institutions at https://fintechireland.com/fintech-authorisations.html All Fintech Ireland events fill quickly, so reserve your seat today! #openbanking #bigdataanalytics #dataanalytics #regulation #aiforbusiness #artificialintelligence #machinelearning Update 19/01/2021: Thanks to all those who joined Intersystem and Fintech Ireland for this event. We had over 200 registrations and attendees from more than a dozen countries. Slides: Download Slides from Event here. Webinar Recording: Access recording here. Fintech Future: Banking on Big Data
“a 'data driven' approach is emerging across the financial sector affecting institutions business strategies, risk and operations with respective changes in the mind-set and culture still in progress” What: Fintech Future: Banking on Big Data (Fintech Ireland & Intersystems) When: Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 1400 Irish/UK time Where: Online Event Cost: Free Registration: Closed. See above for links to recorded webinar and slides Description: Fantastic response to and signups for the Fintech Ireland and InterSystems UKI upcoming co-hosted webinar on "The Future of Fintech: Banking on Big Data" with an expert panel of regulator and industry data experts who will discuss the growing importance of this area for #TechFin, Fintech & #FinServ. A 'data driven' approach is emerging across the financial sector affecting institutions business strategies, risk and operations with respective changes in the mind-set and culture still in progress. Speakers:
How to get invited: After having provided advance notice to Fintech Ireland subscribers of the registration details, this event is now open to the public. To register to attend, following the instructions at this link - https://intersystems.com/uk/fintechirelandwebinar *Use of your data*: Please note that attendees' registration information is required by Fintech Ireland and Intersytems for the purposes of administering attendance and follow up communications on the event. Your details will also be recorded for contact about future Fintech Ireland and Fintech UK events and news. And as we use MailChimp, there will be an easy to use unsubscribe link in each email we send. Fintech Ireland and InterSystems are joint data controllers for this event. By registering you give consent to be contacted for news, updates and other marketing purposes by the data controllers. In addition, you consent to your business contact information being entered into a CRM solutions hosted in the United States and Ireland, maintained consistent with applicable data protection laws. Other terms and conditions: Please note that we reserve the right to accept, modify and cancel bookings. There will be photography and/or filming/recording at this event and your image may be captured by us and used for promotional purposes in print on our website. By registering for the event you are giving us your permission to use your image in this way. If you have any queries about this, however, please email [email protected] All Fintech Ireland events fill quickly, so reserve your seat today! #openbanking #bigdataanalytics #dataanalytics #regulation #aiforbusiness #artificialintelligence #machinelearning |
Fintech IrelandWelcome to the FintechIreland.com Events Page. Archives
March 2025