suite of specific actions to drive continued growth and job creation in the sector. The vision is for Ireland to be the recognised global location of choice for specialist international financial services, building on Ireland's strengths in talent, technology, innovation and excellent client service, while focusing on capturing new opportunities in a changing marketplace and embracing the highest standards of governance.
Reflecting the importance of the IFS sector to Ireland’s economy, this Strategy will be driven by a whole of government approach that will be overseen at the highest level. While IFS2020 is a Government-led strategy, it also reflects Ireland’s well-established partnership approach between Government and Industry. The preparation of IFS2020 has benefited from extensive consultation with industry stakeholders and experts, and its successful implementation will depend on the continuation, and indeed enhancement of, the strategic
partnership between Government and Industry.
For more on how fintech is positioned n the Strategy, open the document and seach on 'financial technology' and 'fintech'. Do the same for 'Payments', which is another area of financial services which Fintech Ireland promotes.
Copy of the Strategy