Early-stage companies in manufacturing and the internationally-traded services sector from around the globe are being invited to consider doing business in Ireland. Enterprise Ireland has launched a competitive fund aimed at supporting worldwide start-ups and entrepreneurs who are willing to relocate to Ireland.
Under the terms of the Competitive Start Fund (CSF), successful candidates will receive €50,000 in cash to support their business development. Interested applicants have until 3pm, GMT, Wednesday 6 April to express their interest and submit an application.
Shortlisted projects will be invited to travel to Ireland to pitch to the evaluation panel on Wednesday 1 June. Travel costs, up to a maximum of €1,000 per applicant, will be covered by Enterprise Ireland. Candidates successfully awarded the funding will be required to move to Ireland, however Enterprise Ireland will also offer assistance to entrepreneurs who need a visa to live and work here.
Qualifying sectors include: manufacturing and internationally-traded services, such as the following subsectors: Internet, Games, Apps, Mobile, SaaS, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Software, Lifesciences, Fintech, Food, Cleantech and Industrial Products.
The maximum support available is €50,000 for a 10% ordinary equity stake in the start-up company. This investment shall be released in two equal tranches, the first of which will be released to successful applicants only when they provide confirmation of additional new cash investment for equity of €5,000. This new investment in equity of €5,000 by the successful applicant is to occur after the relevant call close date.
If you what to know more get in touch with us at [email protected] before close of business on 4th April if you wish us to assist with your application. Please put "€50k funding now available for international entrepreneurs" into the header of your email. Alternatively you can approach Enterprise Ireland direct at www.enterprise-ireland.com before the closing date.